
In-Flow Inc. is dedicated to provide high quality holistic treatments to achieve the total healing and wellness; that include needle and non-needle treatments such as acupuncture, electro-simulation, Ear seeds, Acupressure, Cupping, Moxibustion, Scraping, Essential Oil and Herbal Medicine. Under the gentle and compassionate care of Peggy C. Lo, L.Ac., you can experience how Acupuncture and Oriental medicine helps in pain relief, allergy, anxiety, insomnia, infertility , digestive disorder and many acute and chronic conditions that conventional medicine was not able to help.  We are not only treating the illness at hand but also encourage disease prevention by educating patients for simple lifestyle change.  Combining acupuncture with other alternative therapies has allowed us to treat a wide range of health conditions, enabling patients to transform their lives for the better. Our goal is whoever walks in to our clinic can leave with a smiling face, we help you to get well and stay well with the minimum usage of drugs or surgeries.

Patients are seen by appointment only on. The Clinic is open Monday to Saturday 8:30am -6:00pm. Early morning is available for appointments. Inquiries can be made by calling the clinic at (626) 353-8631.

We are in-network providers for Kaiser, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and most HMO health insurance.  Out-of-network coverage is available for Cigna, Aetna and United Healthcare.  If you are not sure about your acupuncture coverage, please feel free to call the clinic at (626) 353-8631 to verify your eligibilities.

In-Flow Inc.
612 W. Duarte Road, Suite 805
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 353-8631